Corporate Social Responsibility
For Cantabria Labs the word proximity is more than a way of being. It’s the only way to do things with the people around us. But also with those who are far away and need us most. We have a duty, to give back to society some of what science has given us. Therefore, there is an ingredient in the composition of our formulas that has no studies but we clearly know its benefits. The ingredient of action and social responsibility is also innovative and at the same time one of our longest-running “technologies”. An important part of Cantabria Labs’ benefits are directed at innovation projects, which not only help but also promote their sustainability.
Celebrate life
We want to live on a planet where quality of life and health are adequate and for everyone’s enjoyment. That is why we are involved in draft projects and initiatives that help us achieve this from the field of social, scientific and formative innovation.

Rafa Nadal foundation and the María Zaragoza family
At the Rafa Nadal Foundation they firmly believe in the transforming power of sport and education, two tools that allow children and teenagers to go as far as they want, regardless of their origin and their personal and social conditions, including those with learning difficulties or disabilities.
The Rafa Nadal Foundation has three centers in Spain to assist and integrate children in vulnerable situations. Each year they attend more than 250 children between the ages of 6 and 17 years old, to whom they offer an educational program complementary to their school education, with sport as the main vehicle to encourage habits and values such as companionship, respect, or effort.
Emalaikat Foundation and Cristina (Dermalawi)
The DerMalawi project, boosted by dermatologist Cristina Galván, in collaboration with the Emalaikat Foundation and with the support of Cantabria Labs, has made possible the recent dermatological care of 2,600 people and 42 surgeries for malignant tumors in Malawi.
The project was born six years ago thanks to the missionaries of the Community of St. Paul the Apostle working in Malawi. They realized the large number of dermatological problems among the local population and decided to seek help. That´s how they met Dr. Galván, a dermatologist at the University Hospital of Móstoles and professor of dermatology at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, and with her involvement and the collaboration of Cantabria Labs, the DerMalawi project was launched.

Rainbow Foundation and Lorena
The Arco Iris Foundation is a non-profit organisation whose objective is to promote the social and labour integration of people with disabilities (both physical, psychic and sensory) through the training and creation of stable employment for all of them. Cantabria Labs has been collaborating with them for years and in this new instalment of “Near to Get Far” we present the story of Lorena, our protagonist.
Aladina Foundation and Yago
This is the story of Yago and Valeria, they met thanks to the psycho-oncology program of the Aladina Foundation, which helps families and children overcome a cancer diagnosis.
Valeria began the sessions with Yago, our ‘Aladino,’ when she lost her sight due to a tumour several years ago and today is part of the family.

ASTOR INLADE Association and Beatriz
Astor is an association that works to guarantee the same opportunities to people with intellectual disabilities and to offer support to both them and their families.
Cantabria Labs has been collaborating with them for 15 years in their occupational workshops.
In this new instalment of “Near to Get Far” our protagonist, Beatriz, tells us about her day to day life.

Ana Carolina Diez Mahou Foundation and Fátima
The Ana Carolina Díez Mahou Foundation is a non-profit organisation whose sole purpose is to improve the quality of life of children with genetic neuromuscular diseases (mainly mitochondrial and dystrophic) and their families.
In this new chapter of “Near to Get Far” we gain access to the Ana Carolina Diez Mahou Foundation through Fatima, who tells us about the work of the non-profit entity with children with neuromuscular and mitochondrial diseases.
AMPROS Association and Jesus
Cantabria Labs has been collaborating with the AMPROS Association since its origins more than 25 years ago with the aim of helping to improve the quality of life of each person with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their family. Through projects with its occupational centre, Cantabria Labs joins its mission to spread, defend, claim and promote rights and support, to create opportunities that allow them to achieve their life goals.

Emalaikat Foundation and Lenny
Almost since the origins of Cantabria Labs, the company has been on the board of trustees of the Emalaikat Foundation. Today it is the main benefactor of this organisation whose mission is to improve the chances and quality of life of people in the Turkana region (Kenya) on the African continent.
With the purchase of Cantabria Labs products, you contribute directly to help these Foundation programmes. Over the past 20 years, Cantabria Labs has enabled the construction of 188 dams, the drilling of 147 wells, the education and training of over 100 children each year
and healthcare to more than 81 communities.
What Really Matters Foundation and Pedro
Cantabria Labs is especially committed to the What Really Matters Foundation, which aims to promote the development and dissemination of universal human, ethical and moral values to the general public.
As sponsors of the What Really Matters Foundation, the company believes that by being close to people you can go far and that is why it takes part in and sponsors the free and apolitical meetings, open to all beliefs, which are held in the world’s major cities, in order to bring young
universal human values closer together through first-hand accounts.

Scientific Innovation
We are committed to improving people’s quality of life. That is why, at Cantabria Labs we never stop investing in the research and development of new products that help achieve it. Furthermore, we engage in supportive projects that pursue improvements in people’s health.
Formative Innovation
Corporations have a responsibility for everything around us: environment, people, society… Our vocation of service and improvement of quality of life leads us every year to engage in long-term activities and projects with our professionals and partners and with the healthcare sector.

Volunteering platform: #SOLidarios
#SOLidarios is the volunteering and social action movement of Cantabria Labs professionals. The main initiatives are carried out in collaboration with AVANZA ONG, Aladina Foundation, Cooperación Internacional and Emalaikat Foundation.
Latest from Communication Area

In partnership with Real Madrid C.F., Cantabria Labs presents its new “Train Your Skin” campaign

Cantabria Labs with Rafa Nadal, Sara Andrés and Real Madrid, together against melanoma